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This is US

Unified Solutions NW - Your Regional Rep Agency

We're Glad You're Here

Welcome to Unified Solutions NW. We represent quality electrical manufacturers to distributors and end-user customers in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska.


“US” is a deliberate part of our name. Our team was formed from 2 high-functioning agencies, Shaffer & Nelson and Hoyt NW, collectively serving the region for over 100 years. We currently represent over 25 lines to serve the needs of many segments, including those for the construction, industrial, and lighting industries. We consider ourselves teamed up for excellence with our customers, factories, and each other to bring the best forward everyday, together.

Our staff has the experience and desire to solve some of the electrical industry's greatest challenges and deliver the best outcomes. And we are excited to assist - call US!

Proudly Representing

Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska

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“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

Clara Rodriguez
Executive Director of Aurello Inc.
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